
Ken Macleod

Macleod on Uppsala

Av George i Länkar

Om Ken Macleod och Uppsala

I moved to Uppsala on 8 Jan, 2009. The main reason for this move was medical, but SF played a significant role in motivating me to choose Uppsala over my other possibilities, Helsingfors and Leuven.  In 2003 I read some quite complementary words about the SF scene in Sweden. They were written by Ken MacLeod, a person whom I admire very much. Since I've mentioned this text to Upsalafans and Uppsala philosophers many times, I decided this morning to display it here. It's from Ken's excellent blog, but has appeared in other places as well.

Great Musical SF Slideshow

Av George i Länkar

Om Ken Macleod och musik

I found this last week on Ken Macleod's excellent blog. This is not to be missed!